Happy Self-Care Sunday! 🙂
“Self-care is having the ability to put YOUR needs first and have time for you. It is prioritising YOUR growth and development, to support your physical, emotional and social needs”.
This post is for all. However, we hear a lot about teachers, Educational needs of staff during the pandemic, both on social media and on the news.
However, I wish to highlight the Health, social care and pastoral staff, who have gone above and beyond during this time pandemic too.
Particularly, Nurses, Doctors, other medical staff, hospital staff, Pastoral staff, Therapists, Counsellors, Cognitive Behaviour Therapists, Art Therapists, Drama/Music Therapists, School Nurses, Health Visitors, Social Workers, Educational Psychologists, Mentors, charities and coaches.
These people have relentlessly helped thousands of young people and adults, socially, emotionally, physically. Each and everyone of these professionals ( sorry if I have missed any therapeutic and health/social groups) that have given up time, worked hard in public facing duties and gone above and beyond.
These professionals have made effective referrals, liaison with multi-agency teams, safeguarded the public, promoted health, prevented harm, prevented disease, given evidence based advise, guidance and offered family support .
These professionals are meticulous at following policy and procedures, following Public Health h England Guidance and NICE NHS backed protocols.
Not to mention all the hours of preparation they do before seeing each young person / adult and hours of self-reflection, CPD hours and courses and conferences to keep up to date in their practice.
All these professional people need massive respect and more understanding from the public and government, about what these individuals have done and will continue to do so, going above and beyond to serve the community.
Without these professional groups, our communities would have folded.
Therefore, what can you do this Sunday for yourself?
· Can you prioritise your physical health this weekend, by going for a swim, a yoga class or the gym?
· Can you spend time in your garden or go for a mindful walk in nature?
· Can you get a few more hours of sleep on Saturday and Sunday, to recharge your batteries?
Sometimes we need to STOP and RECHARGE.
“We can’t pour from an empty cup!”